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Resume: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureKarina Mayo Trujillo

Freedom Fest: Music and Creative Arts Festival- Victorville, CA

I was able to experience a great community based event as well as be part of its creation.


This event was created by my local church, bringing me onto the team. I was given the opportunity to explore my creative side as well as my leadership skills. I was in charge of building, painting, and setting up many of the decor and important pieces of decor. I was also in charge of taking photographs in order to help our social media and bring more youth to our community.


This event allowed me to develop my communication skill as well as networking skills. I was able to put my paintings out into a public space and gain many followers on my instagram page in where I was able to gain profit from my paintings. Above all I was able to impact many people by being part of a great event that brought joy and excitement to a group of people,

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